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The Artist's First Solo show, 2022
Under Bible House, Melbourne, AUS

Body of Work    |    Animation    |    The Event



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Paintings from "ITK" come to life.


Held for a single night on October 29th, 2022. "ITK" showcased the artist's first body of work released publicly, containing 22 multi-media paintings and a 10 minute breathing animation.

Located in the basement apartment below 'Bible House', Flinders Lane, Melbourne. Attendees entered through the side window found down the alleyway and descended stairs into the exhibition.

This exhibition was an entirely independent effort with all details directed and managed by the artist.

To host the exhibition, the artist co-created pop-up Gallery Thru the Window (TTW).

All photography of the exhibit below are by "Virul Wee" @Virulwee.

All photography of the exhibit above are by "Virul Wee" @Virulwee.

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